The career path, promotions and salary of an employee, especially in a reputed company depends to some extent on the educational qualification of the employee. Usually employees who have completed their masters in business administration (MBA) are preferred for management positions. Singapore is the financial hub of Asia, and most of the biggest companies in the world have their office in Singapore. Many professionals especially engineers who are working in these large companies are interested in doing an mba singapore part time singapore, to give their career a boost. A part time mba is preferred since they do not have to leave their job, and continue to get a monthly salary. Some tips on getting doing a mba course part time are provided
Course selection
There are a large number of universities and colleges in Singapore which are offering a part time MBA for working professionals. Since most employees have a busy schedule there are many factors which have to be considered while choosing the right MBA course. One of the most important consideration, is how widely recognized the MBA qualification is. Many reputed companies will only recognize the MBA from the reputed university or college, especially if it is part time. Hence the employee or professional should check with the company he is working with, whether they recognize part time MBAs and specifically the colleges whose part time degrees they consider
Another consideration for the employee is choosing the right specialization. Usually most universities are offering a wide range of specialisations and the professional can choose from the below electives based on his career plans.
Finance: Popular with those working in banking, wealth management, mutual funds, hedge funds, fintech
Marketing: companies selling consumer and industrial products
Real estate : suitable for employees of construction, infrastructure companies, real estate agencies
Digital: ideal for employees of tech and internet companies
Healthcare management : popular amongChoos professionals working in hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies.
Course duration
Since most of the students who have joined the part-time mba are already working full time and have a busy schedule, the course duration is a major consideration for the student. Though there are some courses of shorter duration, these courses may not be recognized by reputed companies. Typically only courses which are of duration 18 months or longer are considered as a mba qualification by most companies for career purposes. While most of the courses can be completed online, whenever the mba student has free time, these courses also usually have a classroom module. Typically the student has to attend classroom lectures on weekends, when they have a holiday from their job.
Admission and placement
Like other reputed MBA courses, there may be a lot of competition for admission to more reputated courses. The academic record, GMAT score, and personal interview are some of factors considered while admitting the student. After the course is complete, the mba may continue with his existing job or getting a new job with a better salary.
Though doing a part time MBA may be stressful and time consuming for a busy working professional, the improvement in career prospects and salary in the long term compensates the professional for the effort